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Map of Del Norte County, California

Del Norte County California

Del Norte County Resources:

Del Norte County DMV Locations
Del Norte County City Guide
Del Norte County Schools
Del Norte County Restaurants
California Vacation Packages

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Del Norte County:

Cities in Del Norte County

Crescent City

About Del Norte County:

Del Norte County is a county located at the far northwest corner of the U.S. state of California, along the Pacific Ocean adjacent to the Oregon border. As of the 2010 census, the population was 28,610. The county seat and only incorporated city is Crescent City. Del Norte was pioneered by Portuguese explorers. Residents pronounce the county name as Del Nort, not Del Nor-tay as would be expected in Spanish.

Del Norte County comprises the Crescent City, CA Micropolitan Statistical Area.

The rural county is notable for forests containing giant Coast Redwoods, with some attaining heights over 350 feet (110 m). This northernmost county on the California coast also has scores of unique plants and flowers, dozens of species of coastal birds and fish, rocky primitive beaches and sea stacks, pristine rivers, and historic lighthouses. Del Norte is also known among Bigfoot enthusiasts as the location of the famous Patterson–Gimlin film, as well as being the location of some of the forest scenes used in Return of the Jedi.

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