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Map of Santa Clara County, California

Santa Clara County California

Santa Clara County Resources:

Santa Clara County DMV Locations
Santa Clara County City Guide
Santa Clara County Schools
Santa Clara County Restaurants
California Vacation Packages

Zip Codes:
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Santa Clara County:

Cities in Santa Clara County

Los Altos
Los Altos Hills
Los Gatos
Monte Sereno
Morgan Hill
Mountain View
Palo Alto
San Jose
Santa Clara

About Santa Clara County:

Santa Clara County, California, officially the County of Santa Clara, is a county located in the U.S. state of California. As of the 2010 census, the population of Santa Clara County was 1,781,642. The county seat is San Jose, the tenth-most populous city in the United States.

Santa Clara County is included in the San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA Metropolitan Statistical Area as well as the San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland, CA Combined Statistical Area. Located at the southern end of the San Francisco Bay, the highly urbanized Santa Clara Valley within Santa Clara County is also known as Silicon Valley. Santa Clara is the most populous county in the San Francisco Bay Area region, and one of the most affluent counties in the United States.

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